Delivering superior risk-adjusted returns means outperforming the relevant three and five-year benchmarks in each market in which Allegiance Opulent owns or manages assets while providing Allegiance Opulent Security holders with sustainable and growing distributions.
Funds management partner of choice
Leadership in office is an aspiration that is supported by our scale. As one of the largest investment organization and manager globally, we have scale that provides many advantages.
Our scale supports the generation of investment outperformance through providing valuable customer insights and the opportunity to invest in people, systems and technologies that enhance our customers’ experiences. It also enhances our ability to find the ideal workspace solution for customers and generates cost efficiencies.
Our objectives of leadership in office and funds management partner of choice are complementary. Our success in the office sector has enabled Allegiance Opulent to attract investment partners not just in office but also in the industrial, retail and healthcare sectors, in turn providing the opportunity to deliver investment outperformance for those third party capital partners.